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12 Bookstagram Feeds You Need in Your Life

One day in May 2015, I had an idea. I had always loved to read; I had always been fascinated by the places books could transport me. But I wanted to take that love of mine and share it with others. I wanted to find readers like me who I could discuss my beloved novels with, and I longed for a place where I could just be a fangirl and everyone would understand what I felt. The word "bookstagram" was foreign to me; I knew nothing of the fabulous community that lay right at my fingertips (and if you could've seen my photos back then, you would see the clear evidence of my lack of knowledge).

Now, a year and a half and ten thousand followers later (not even in my wildest DREAMS did I ever reach that goal), I've found a home: all of my favorite books have been recommended to me because of bookstagram; my best friends are those I've made through bookstagram; and my already excessive fangirling has increased tenfold with the discovery of the many bookish businesses who make stunning products to fulfill my ever bookish desire.

One of the reasons I love bookstagram so much is the beautiful, gorgeous photography that can be seen every place you look. I've been inspired by countless accounts (which is what made writing this and choosing only 12 so so difficult), BUT I think I have managed to choose my 12 favorites, so enjoy these absolutely stunning feeds!


Nani's photography skills are absolutely OUT OF THIS WORLD and every single one of her shots just takes my breath away and makes me gape in awe for far too long. AND she's one of the most versatile photographers I know: outdoor, indoor, you name it, she'll make it beautiful.

2. Allissa (@abookishloveaffair)

Allissa is the queen of cozy: her feed will without a doubt make you want to grab a blanket, a cup of something warm, and settle down with your favorite book. Her photos are clean, just plain beautiful, and give such comfy vibes... I find myself coming back again and again whenever I need some indoor inspiration. She even has a candle based off of her account that (I think) is perfectly representative of her insane skills: lavender, chamomile, spearmint, and cotton.

3. Patience (@abookinherhand)

Patience is relatively new to the bookstagram community, but since the START her photos have been absolutely stunning. I only discovered her account recently, and it's quickly become one of my absolute favorites. Her minimalistic bright feed is so satisfying and beautiful and I just always can't wait to see what she'll post next.

4. Taylor (@taylorreads)

The only words I can com up with to define Taylor's account and photos are ridiculously insanely stunning and beautiful. Every single one of her pictures is pure perfection: the way she works with different colors and landscapes just always seems to blow me away. PLUS she's a star recommender: every book she's ever said I should read I've fallen in love with (which is why I should probably read Vengeance Road.......)

Anna's photos are always colorful bright beauty: she's the queen of rainbows and fairy lights (yes, that thing that everyone uses now? She was the FIRST). Each day her shots steal my breath away and have me wondering how the heck she manages to capture everything so perfectly. Whether it's books, candles, Funkos, really ANYTHING, she'll take a gorgeous photo of it.

6. Fiderly (@readsleepfangirl)

How does one describe the skills of the queen of bookstagram? I seriously have no words for the gorgeousness of every single one of Fi's photos: she takes stunning outdoor, indoor, AND flatlay photos. She's been a constant inspiration since the very start, and my bookstagram experience definitely would not have been half as good without her presence. She's the queen for a reason, after all ;).

7. Zelle (@fragilemyths)

Zelle constantly steals my breath away with the beauty of her shots: I stare at them again and again and can't figure out her secret to making everything so absolutely gorgeous. The colors in her photos are absolutely PERFECT every single time, and I think it's safe to say she's basically the master of bokeh.

8. Viktoria (@seelieknight)

Viktoria's feed is everything I've ever wanted mine to look like: it always perfectly fits the season and every single shot is captured gorgeously. I stare and stare and (nope, still haven't stopped) STARE at her feed in absolute awe of its quality and sheer beauty. Not to mention that she's totally the High Lady of the Autumn Court ;).

Skye's photos are always so crisp and satisfying: every single one of her shots represents her clear attention to detail and amazing photography skills. She will make a gorgeous photo out of ANYTHING, and she somehow manages to make indoor and outdoor photos look so incredibly flawless together.

10. Calista (@insidethebookreader)

I think Calista may have been the first bookstagram I found on my journey through the book community, and since that first day I've been insanely impressed by each and every one of her photos. This girl knows her photography, and it's clear to see by her jaw-droppingly beautiful photos.

Jill can do anything: cozy flatlays, bright indoor photos, outdoor shots... She does it all, and she does it with STYLE. I'm continuously impressed with Jill's amazing skills and how she never stops improving: somehow, her stunning photos just never stop getting better.

Korinne (@booklover_221b)

I think it's safe to say that Korinne's feed and account are just simply cozy GOALS. Every single one of her shots is flawless and together they form a feed that is simple and yet insanely beautiful.

And that's it! I definitely have so many more accounts that I absolutely adore, but these are the few I always come back to when I'm in need of a boost of inspiration.

Make sure to check them out if you haven't already by clicking their usernames!

Make sure to come back on Wednesday for a new review!



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